The center of everything we believe is Jesus. We study his life, his teachings and his way of walking through the world. We obey his command to "Follow me."
The Bible is a narrative that leads us to Jesus, the true Word of God. We study it and thank God for it, always remembering that Jesus said that HE was THE Word of God.
We believe that worship is the natural and correct response to the reality of the existence of God - a God of love. We sing, teach, pray, gather at The Table, and give because we believe that He is God and the fact that He exists changes everything.
We believe in God's grace freely given to anyone that believes in Jesus Christ, repents (turns away) from their sins, confesses that Jesus is the Son of God AND is Baptized (immersed) in water.
We also remember Jesus' most often given command: fear not. We believe a faith community should inspire love, sacrifice, and service.
We welcome the struggling, the forgotten, the broken, the rejected just as warmly as we welcome the committed and certain believer. You have a place here.